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Hi folks,

I have never had trouble with the DPS (Deposit Protection Service) until now.

Recently I evicted a tenant under a Section 8. On the court order the judge noted arrears of £1554. Tenant left on due date still disgruntled about being moved on but agreed his deposit of just over £1000 would reduce his debt substantially. I emailed him same day to remind him how to release the deposit with no response.

After 14 days of no response I phoned the DPS for a form that allows the landlord to re-claim the deposit but if needs the signature of a judge of solicitor and proof of the court order of re-possession. Sent all this off with solicitors signature and stamp and heard nothing.

On phoning the DPS a very contrite man told me that because the court order mentioned the arrears they would NOT release the deposit to me without another application to the courts (£75 + another long wait) for verification of the original order. The deposit was now suspended. Subsequently a letter arrived confirming this and adding that if the courts refused I should get back to them with the paperwork. Whaaaat!!! All this could easily take 3-4 months.

Another call to the DPS and they relented to ' if the tenant agrees to the release of the deposit it will be released to the landlord'. Luckily ex tenant gave my number as a reference to a housing officer and she contacted me to discuss him. I told her of my problem and she encouraged him into contacting the DPS or he might not get help from her outfit. Success at last.

Most S8 court orders refer to the debt so why do the DPS have this policy?


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Because these little people have grown a short narrow moustache on their top lip,

it's complimentary to their issued tall leather boots.


I can tell you all now that you have not lived until you have dealings with a local Grade 1/2 listings officer. They are out of this World and live on another planet to the rest of us. These people make Hitler look like Coco the Clown!


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