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broken glass responsibility


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Hello! I am renting my property out. One of the tenants' responsibilities is to cut grass in the rear garden. I also provide them with a grass-cutter. One day when they were cutting the grass, the stone bounced and hit the window, so the glass is broken now and needs to be replaced. As far as I understand this is my responsibility to pay for new glass, because it was an accidental damage. Or am I wrong and the tenants have to pay? Could you please advice? Thanks!

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Just one of those things isn't it? accidental damage......so I guess you will have to grin and bear the cost and treat it for what it was....an accident caused by a flying stone... and as a tax deductable item of repair.


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Accidents do happen but in this case a stone had found its way onto the lawn before the tenant cut it. It must be the tenants responsibility to ensure .....as in fact I do with my own property.....that stones do not find their way onto a lawn before its cut.

1.You could pay .....but I think that is grossly unfair on you.

2. You could claim on your buildings insurance.

3. You could offer to split the cost 50/50 with the tenant or

4. You could just insist that the tenant pays.

Lets be clear, if you were living at the property and it had happened to you, who would pay ?

Tenants are not entitled to any special treatment over and above that which an owner occupier would receive just because they are paying rent. They need to learn that sometimes sh*t happens and landlords are not there to help every time they have a problem.

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