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Flat above's waste pipe leaking?


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The flat above one I let out has a waste pipe coming out the back of the building, and links into the central gutters/drainage pipe. This pipe is leaking down the out side of the building and into a shop below my flat. Who is responsible for the cost of fixing this? If it was the guttering that all the flats used I have no problem paying my share to have the repairs done. However as it is a waste pipe coming out a specific flat I feel that it i

should be the owner of that flats responsibility.

If anyone could help with some advice about who would be best to contact regarding this, or has been in a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate any feedback.



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I would contact the freeholder to at least manage the situation.

After a very short period of opportunity I would then contact the Environmental Health of the local council passing on the freeholder details.

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COR is correct, you should contact your freeholder or his managing agents......whoever you pay your service charges to.

The leaking pipe sounds to me to be either:

1. The overflow from a cold water tank or toilet cistern. OR

2. The vent pipe from a condensing boiler.

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