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FREE insulation offer - a must read!


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I had posted this on another landlord forum and one of the landlords who took us up on this service suggested I post this here also, so here goes -

Any landlords in the South West?

BS BA EX DT and TA postcode areas?!

I own and run an insulation (loft and cavity wall). We have VAST cert funding pots which means we are able to complete insulation works for every house in our region completely free of charge. No catch. No hidden charges.

We get paid between £140 and £500 for every loft we complete and £200-600 for every cavity we complete, hence why we are able to offer a 100% free service.

The benefits are obvious - lower energy bills, better home efficiency, better EPC ratings etc, all with no hassle and no charge!

The process is simple - PM me and I will request the property information for your portfolio, one of my surveyors will go and measure up and complete any works required. All carry a full 25 year guarantee.

As a token of our appreciation we will PAY YOU £5 for every property you let us complete for you.

People will probably think this is too good to be true, and this is our main problem at the moment - people just won't beleive me!

The offer is 100% sound and genuine and stands til the end of 2011 (funding is being wound up then)

Any queries please reply or pm


Loft Space Insulation LTD

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I think most Landlord's are aware that can claim up to £1,500 per rented property under the Government scheme for any insulation improvements that are carried out such as loft & cavity wall insulation and double glazing etc.



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Yes but the government haven't managed to design a system that works for leasehold property.

Leaseholders don't own the building and are not responsible for loft or wall insulation.

The chances of leaseholders taking up this or any other offer is non existant.

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Yes but the government haven't managed to design a system that works for leasehold property.

Leaseholders don't own the building and are not responsible for loft or wall insulation.

The chances of leaseholders taking up this or any other offer is non existant.

The tenant can apply if they meet the criteria and the freeholder would have to be informed but I take your point that most leaseholds refer to flats rather than houses.

I've got a freehold ground floor rental flat and even that would be pointless in carrying out further insulation due to how the property is constructed.

I have however claimed for replacement D/G windows to replace wooden single glazed windows and HMRC agreed that it was a tax deductable item.

As a matter of interest B&Q often have specials on sale with loft insulation at a £1 a top-up roll. I have completed my properties to a good standard for minimum outlay.

True, no tenant of mine or indeed any property I have sold has anyone ever asked to see an EPC.


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I think the freeholder would need more than just informing. Often leases require freeholders permission to make additions or alterations and fees are payable to the freeholder for that permission. It probably wouldn't be forthcoming because the building structure is not something that falls into this category or is someting that the leaseholder would be allowed to alter.

Most leaseholders are responsible for windows and can replace them a their cost subject to style, colour, design etc etc and the freeholders permission. But, the OP's post is about a free service........my point is that it doesn't apply to leaseholders.

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I am a lease holder.I own two flats in a block of four.(top and the ground floor beneath it).

The superior Landlord is the council.

I have just been informed by my letting agent that they have arranged for free loft insulation to be installed in the top flat.

When I asked them how that came about they said that because the tenent is on benefits they can claim it free and there was no charge to me.

I never thought about permission from the council so I will check on that.

I think that the funding comes from the big six energy companies who have had their arms twisted by the government to put so much money into a pot for energy efficiency measures or face a windfall tax.

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When I asked them how that came about they said that because the tenent is on benefits they can claim it free and there was no charge to me.

I never thought about permission from the council so I will check on that.

1. Often the lease allows the head leaseholder/ freeholder to make a charge for providing permission.

2. That charge is usually considerably higher if the permission is given retrospectively.

3. Usually niether you, your workman, your agents or insulation installers will have permission to enter the loft void.......it doesn't belong to any of those people.

Your agents have acted inappropriately, they have failed to understand their obligations ad have put you at considerable risk of a claim from your council.

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