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Time to replace boiler


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Hi My tenant informed me last night that the pilot light went out and could not relight the boiler. I have been to look at it this afternoon and the fan has gone on the boiler. I have ordered the part that needs replacing this evening. I informed him that the part has been ordered and will get it fitted as soon as it arrives. Obviously hes not happy as there is no hot water/ heating. The boiler did break down before xmas which again I got fixed within 2 weeks. I have intended to replace the boiler in the spring. as it would be too long to do it now in this cold weather. The question is how long do i have to get the boiler repaired.

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We normally replace a fan assy. in just 1 day. It is a rare thing that the required fan assy. is not actually in stock.

Priority is normally given to customers, where possible, when there is no heating or hot water but as a landlord myself I do have a couple of good quality electric heaters on call should this event ever happen to me.

Replacing a boiler is normally achievable if there are no complications in around 2.5 days and that would include a mandatory flush of the CH system.

So I would say 2 to 4 days max. is the most you can expect your tenant to put up with no actual heating provided.

I am aware some tenents expect instant miracles and think you have a heating engineer waiting for their call in your back pocket......and it 'aint like that as we all know whether you are a private householder or indeed a tenent.


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Hi Terry,

I can understand why the tenant is not happy. They were without heating or hot water for 2 weeks - in a very very very cold spell - before Xmas ... and now, a few weeks into the New Year, they are without heating and hot water again! The tenants perspective will be that the reason this has happened is because you will not pay for the boiler to be replaced (even though you admit it needs replacing!)

I would suggest you would not be happy with this situation either if you were the tenant (and having to live in the cold) rather than the landlord.

If you agree that the boiler needs replacing ... then I do not understand why you don't get the boiler replaced NOW rather than waiting until the spring?

Your tenant seems very reasonable (and a lot more understanding than I would be in the circumstances) ... and I would recommend that you offer a reduction in rent (as a gesture of goodwill) for the tenant having to live without heating and hot water during the winter months. Assuming he has been without heat etc for 3 weeks - then it would be fair to refund 3 weeks rent in my opinion.

Finally, it could be argued that your property is currently "not fit for human habitation" as central heating and hot water are basic requirements to sustain human life in winter.

If you do not make a gesture of goodwill .. you will still need to replace the boiler and you will probably lose your tenant and you might experience a void period whilst the boiler is replaced and a new tenant is found. In other words - it is cheaper to keep the same tenant (with a goodwill payment) and get the boiler replaced than lose the tenant, the boiler and the future rent!

Good luck


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