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spam postings


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Hi Solent......I have been in contact with "Resident" who is the Moderator of this forum and asked for an urgent review of how to stop the endless postings and sometimes crude Spam that is appearing on this forum.

Resident has given me an assurance that it is being looked into how to get it stopped and I would make this occasion to ask Resident to give this problem a high priority because it is spoiling " our" forum.

As regards to reporting of spam I have more or less taken it upon myself as probably the most senior member, unelected of course.....lol to report cases of spam as soon as I can and I have no doubt other members are doing the same as me.

Hope this helps explain a few things to you and everyone else.


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Hello Guys,

Apologies about all the recent forum spam.

To confirm what Melboy has said, we are working away in the background to try and stay one step ahead of the latest spam posting software.

We believe we may now of solved the problem in the main by introducing a 'Question & Answer Challenge' in our registration procedure - which we are quite confident any forum spam posting software will not be able to overcome.

There may be a few more posts within the next couple of weeks from accounts that were set up prior to this change in the registration procedure. But as soon as we see these we will delete, block associated i.p addresses and ban the member. So once these final few posts have been dealt with we do believe things return to normal.

Best wishes,


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