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tennant moving out


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Hi ya. can anybody help me, Ive got a tennant moving out on the 6th march. The problem ive got is the back garden, when the tennant moved in 2 years ago there was grass in the back garden, i grass seeded it aprox 10 years ago, although not a wembly pitch it was grass. The problem ive got now is that when i inspected the premises last friday, to my horror i found there 2 dogs had turned the garden into a mud bath no grass to be seen a tall. When i suggested to the tennant that it needs to be re turfed before they move out. she said she would re seed it and not re turf it, which is no good to me if i want to rent the house out again. has any one goy any ideas where i stand on this.

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Not the news you want to hear I am guessing beaubrummie........

You have allowed your tenant to have two dogs in your rental property and dogs need to go outside for all sorts of reasons so it is not unreasonable to expect that any dog will run around the garden or lawn both playing and fouling.

By your own admission you only used grass seed 10 years ago and now your asking for your tenant to turf the lawn which is probably quadruple the price of grass seed.

How many inspections did you make in 2 years and talk to your tenant about the state of the back lawn? Was it ever raised as an issue? Were you ever aware that your tenant had dogs on taking your rental property?

You ask where you stand on this and I would say absolutely nowhere. If your tenant has been a good tenant and paid their rent then move on and let this tenant go and if your new tenant has any dogs or cats coming in then do what other landlords do who permit dogs/animals in their rental property and that is....make an additional charge for animals and a write a clause in the AST contract that on moving out the tenant will be responsible for any additional cleaning or minor works that the animals cause by way of damage to the property.


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If there was grass there to start with surly the tenant should put the grass back.

I would not accept seed as this takes ages to grow, plus the tenant moved in 2 years ago not 10 years ago, when you seeded it.

Hope you have taken photos of the garden before and after. And get you agent to use the deposit money to re turf your back garden.

Plus if she has dogs (as mine did and had not been informed) I made the tenants have pros into clean the carpet, with the deposit money.

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I totally agree with Melboy. You allowed pets .... pets have to go outside ..... the garden is going to take additional wear and tear.

Your tenant has offered to re-seed (which was good enough for you 10 years ago) ... and I would view that as a fair offer.

Even if you disagree with Melboy and I - life is too short - move on - let the tenants go, sort the garden out yourself and then get a new tenant (without pets) asap .....


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I'm curious how dogs destroying a whole lawn can be veiwing as normal wear and tear. I have had numerous dogs in diferant sized properties and i can honesty say they have never ruined a lawn, maybe a few clumps missing but never a whole lawn. Surely the lawn should be left in a acceptable standard and whether the original grass was from from seed or turf is not relevent.

Maybe I'm missing something?

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