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Gas Safety Certificate


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Hi everyone,

I am selling my buy-to-let (the house sale is proceeding), I will shortly be serving the existing tenants two calendar months notice in accordance with the tenancy agreement. And there's also a chance they may leave early ie serve me one months notice.

The gas safety certificate expires next week. But i'm reluctant to renew as I am selling imminently. I called out a plumber (who is gas-safe) to fix a toilet leak last month and I also paid him to give the boiler a maintanance check, and he told me everything was fine / safe. The only other gas appliance is the cooker which on last inspection was working fine.

I know the letter of the law would say I must get another gas safety certificate, but what would any else do under the same circumstances? and are there any further possible consequences, ie invalidated insurance etc, advice welcome, thanks.

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Personally I wouldn't take the risk and yes, your insurance would be invalidated were anything to happen gas wise and you wanted to make a claim for damage. £50? do it and claim the tax relief.


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If you have a current tenant you must have a gas certificate, selling or not. If your tenant takes umbrage at your sale,for wharever reason, once the authorities know they are unlikely to let the matter rest and you get the big fine.

For them it's a matter of principal !!

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Balance the cost of a gas safety against the potential fine which may include imprisonment. As crumple says, if your tenant takes umbrage . . . .

It is a gamble. Now the question to ask yourself is, "How lucky do you feel?".

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