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DPS, further abuse of us

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I know some of you prefer to use the schemes where you hold the money, insure the tenants deposit sort of thing. For a few years due to the continual loading on me  / us I have preferred to simplify where I can. Setting up accounts with more organisations that want f' knows what from me isn't the way I go these days. Especially with deposit whatevers that the principle of has always annoyed me. It is another way to restrict us and our monies.

So a tenant naffed off during the pandemic, Sept 2020. I traced her and requested she inform the DPS that I may have the £500 deposit, it didn't cover all losses but blood from a stone and all that. No joy.

Nobody wanted to meet face to face so my needing to go to a solicitor went back burner. Now I'm using a solicitor to conveyance Wales out came my declaration.

Interesting that we need to sign a declaration and swear an oath in front of a solicitor (other bods feasible), not so a tenant that wishes to contest my claim.

It gets posted, some days later I am informed the tenant shall be informed (good luck there as I didn't inform of her whereabouts, if that's still the same anyway) and given another 14 days to contest my claim.

14 days was up last Monday 25th April. Nout from the DPS. Friday I am informed that the monies shall be transferred, this may take 3 - 5 working days, if I have queries on this to contact my bank. Still nowt.

If I wish to transfer dosh to anyone here you would see it in your account as I press the button on my PC, even today a Saturday. Even if not available funds you would see the transfer. Somehow the DPS can't do this.

I am in no rush for the £500, but it would be nice to close it out and not have to return to my account in hope, more time lost, unnecessarily, to this bl**dy industry.

Winge not over as I'm sure there is more to come. Another I may go into some point is yet another local Gov't department (Denbighshire) ringing me to ask me to justify my serving a S21. And that's well before it gets anywhere near a court after the 2 month notice expires. And that's utilising the short window before notice becomes 6 months.

Nice sunny day today, splashing about in the sailing dinghy feels like a good idea.



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And the above reasons is why I would never choose to use the DPS again. As a regulated agent we use the TDS (Dispute Service) which make it so much easier to deal with deposit dilapidations and we hold the funds in our client account.

But the same option is available to self managing landlords and I know the TDS and My Deposit operate a PAYO product which is in the region of about 30 quid a go. You just need to check you follow the requirements for renewals and periodic tenancies.    

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