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Tenancy Agreement to include insured TDS


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I am trying to update my tenancy agreements, to include information around the insured Tenancy Deposit Scheme. There does not appear to be a copy in the 'forms' section any longer on this website.

Can anyone recommend how best to word the agreement?

Three or four lines should suffice, I think?

Thanks in anticipation


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I have updated my AST agreements to include the following paragraph:

• The deposit of £xxx.xx will be protected by The Deposit Protection service (The DPS) in accordance with the Terms and conditions of The DPS. The Terms and Conditions and ADR Rules governing the protection of the deposit including the repayment process can be found at www.depositprotection.com

Providing you are using the DPS of course

This will probably and quite rightly so get ripped but I hope that helps for starters.


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Hi Simon et al,

I'm using "Tenancy Deposit Solutions" and I have not actually amended the wording of the tenancy agreement because, from a tenant's perspective nothing has changed as I am still holding the deposit money.

However, I make sure that within 14 days of collecting the deposit I give the tenant a signed copy of the Tenancy Deposit Solutions certificate (that confirms that I have insured and protected their money).

Best Wishes,


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