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Hob knobs come off


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Hi All, 

Could do with a little Help with a current tenant. 

We have a flat which is part of a block and the other residents have reported the smell off gas which they called the gas board and someone from British Gas attended. They found the Gas was leaking from Our flat and said that if we don't get here in the next 5 minuets they will break the door down.  I wasn't local so they broke the door down and we couldn't get hold of our tenant. Turns out the tenant has left the gas on and they said the knobs were faulty (come off). The tenant hadn't reported any faulty or loose knobs to us. but now we have a £1000 fire door to pay for which I don't think we should be liable for the tenants stupidity. 


any comments welcome. 

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Are the knobs faulty? If not the tenant is clearly at fault. If they are faulty request details from them when they reported it. It they can’t do so they are at fault for not reporting it. Have you checked your insurance to see if you have cover for this?

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Amii.......You could be in trouble here and here is the reason as to why that should be.

"The new law means that only gas cookers fitted with flame supervision devices may be installed in flats and other multi-occupancy buildings such as maisonettes and four-in-a-block properties. A flame supervision device (FSD) will cut off the gas supply if it detects that the flame is extinguished".

You should have a gas safety certificate for your gas hob and a registered Gasafe Engineer conducting you annual gas safety check and inspection would have failed your gas hob for not having an FSD hob fitted. The new mandatory law for gas hobs for flats came into effect circa. 2008.

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