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Shared Deposit dispute betweenTenants


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Hello I have just joined.

The tenant couple have split up, are vacating and each wants the deposit returned to them.

I thought that the Lead Tenant was the one I had to deal with but I am told that the "My Deposits" scheme states that it must be returned to who ever paid it.

Which is correct please?



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So why is there a problem for you ?

Can't you just explain to them that you are going to return the deposit to the person who paid it (as per the rules) and its then up to them to sort out.

You are a landlord not in marriage guidance so it's not advisible to get involved in their disputes.

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9 hours ago, Richlist said:

So why is there a problem for you ?

Can't you just explain to them that you are going to return the deposit to the person who paid it (as per the rules) and its then up to them to sort out.

You are a landlord not in marriage guidance so it's not advisible to get involved in their disputes.

I agree, don't get involved.

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