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where to educate myself on landlord law etc


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hi everyone, this is my first post. I have been a landlord for about eight years now, (two houses let to friends) because of our friendly easy going arrangement with no probs, I have neglected my education landlord wise, and I have never taken a deposit or provided a rent book, just gave a receipt for rental paid etc, provided a gas cert annually, and carried out repairs where and when reqd. however this idyll is about to come to an end, as my tenants are moving from the area. this leaves me having to find new tenants, with all the pitfalls and worries this will no doubt bring!. so, can anyone suggest my best route to landlord "enlightenment" this forum is a great tool! are there any books websites that might help me.

kind regards brumski

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The way I see it you:

1 Find a good agent to do it for you but finding one is the question

2 Instruct a good agent on a "tenant find" basis to set the tenancy up then take over the management yourself.

3 Read up on the basics of being a landlord as there are many books out there.

4 Wing it and ask for help and advise on the many landlord forums out there (this one being the best). The downside is you could get conflicting advise.

5 Join a good landlord organisation for all your forms and advise including legal/eviction help. I can highly recommend The Guild of residential Landlords https://www.landlordsguild.com/ for £80.

If it was me knowing what I know now as a agent and a private landlord and I wanted to handle the management myself as a newbie I would take the tenant find route followed by joining The Guild of residential Landlords and read landlord forums.

But for someone already with a basic understanding just join the Guild and read landlord forums but we all have different views to risk and cost so that may not suit you.

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Welcome Brumski....................

I would initially buy a good book on being a landlord and have a read up on the basics. Times have changed dramatically for landlord's and you are having to be fairly knowledgible these days to avoid the pitfalls that will cost you dear if you get it all wrong.

This forum is a good place to be for any questions you may have.

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I cant agree with the above. Forums wouldn't give step by step guides to evict someone, how to appeal a court rulling and draw up the paperwork if needed, prepare a defence to disrepair hearings, how to appeal housing benefit clawback, be at the end of a phone to give advice, or give you the most update professional contracts and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm not saying it cant be done by books and forums but why muddle through until you find your feet with many thousand pounds of your asset if its not necessary. But I guess its horses for courses.

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Successful Property Letting by David Lawrenson is a very good starting point. He also has a website (Lettingfocus) where he puts useful blogs and updates about what's going on in the lettings sector.

A Practical Approach to Landlord and Tenant Law is also a very good guide to the legislation. It covers all kinds of landlord and tenant relationships, not just the residential AST, and provides all the information you could possibly need without having to speak to a solicitor.

It's also worth joining the National Landlords Association. I know some on here don't rate them too highly, but it's only £90 (and an allowable expense for tax) a year and with membership you get access to an enormous resource of everything from mortgages to advice on tax and evictions.

If it's forums you're after, you could check out that other forum; propertytribes.com which has some knowledgeable contributors. However, as Grampa says, don't rely on forum posts without also doing your own research!

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