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Flat Blacklisted


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My Tenants have informed me that they are having trouble getting a Mobile phone accounts and Paypal account set up as the Address they live at (my flat) has been Blacklisted even though they know that their personal credit is good.

It was probably a previous tenant I had that has bad credit.

Any ideas how I can resolve this for them?

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Sounds like they are having you on......there is no such thing as blacklisting of a property in this case, both mobile phone & paypal accounts are linked to individuals not properties.

Don't get involved its got nothing to do with you. Landlords are not a master HELP desk on the end of a telephone. Paying rent does not entitle tenants to special treatment.

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* Presumably neither they or you made it a condition of the tenancy that the property was not blacklisted ?

* As YOU have no control over the people who created the problem in the first place or the people who blacklisted the property you cannot be held responsible.

* I would imagine there is a way of removing the property from the list......have the tenants tried contacting the blacklister, mobile providers or Paypal ?

Personally I'd just tell them to get on with it.......you'll only dig yourself into a large hole.

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Yes as far as I was aware the property address may well be blacklisted by credit companies but that is tied into the people who occupy that address by name.

Your new tenants should inform whoever is blacklisitng them at this address that they are the new occupants and also as I understand the process the balcklisting will be lifted.......eventually.

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I often use the website www.192.com to check up on debtors etc. I think Cor has mentioned doing using this site too.

One of my properties has had a high turnover of tenants in the last decade mainly due to young couples renting then living beyond their means. Usually they give up the tenancy but I notice on searching that address that the names of previous tenants appear with a note at the side saying there is CCJ information for that person - 192 want you to pay to access that info.

A certain tenant has been gone 8 years and lives in a totally different area of the country but she is still listed as having a CCJ gained at that address. I have not found that the address is blighted in any way and my current tenant (who is retired) has not reported problems with mobile phone or other contracts she has.

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