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Advice pls - consent to let


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I moved out of my house in 2011 and rented it out but wasn't aware that I needed lenders permission to let (I have a residential mortgage). I found out I needed consent to let this summer and am in the process of changing to a buy to let mortgage with another lender to rectify the situation.

I am worried that if I tell my current residential mortgage lender that I have rented the house out without permission then they will back-date the consent to let fees to 2011 and I don't have any money to pay this.

My questions is whether my new mortgage company will check with the previous residential mortgage company to see if I had consent to let before they authorise my new buy to let mortgage, or will I just get my new buy to let mortgage and then be able to pay off the old residential mortgage.

It was a genuine mistake on my part and I'm not sure what to do now.

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My questions is whether my new mortgage company will check with the previous residential mortgage company to see if I had consent to let before they authorise my new buy to let mortgage

Don't know but I think its extremely unlikely

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Thanks for your reply - that's reassuring.

Just panicking as I'm currently in breach of my mortgage T&C but am in a sticky situation as (much as I would like to be honest about my mistake) I cannot afford to tell my lender as I have no money to pay any back-fees.

I'm trying to sort it out by getting the BTL mortgage, some of which will presumably just be transferred to pay off the old residential mortgage and all will be okay.

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The solicitor appointed to handle the remortgage will ensure the existing mortgage is 'redeemed' on the date the new mortgage starts. Any shortfall in monies required to clear the old mortgage is likely to result in you not getting your new mortgage as you will not be alloed to have two loans on the one property.

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Keep quiet about it. If you flag it up then of course your mortgage company will take action against you.

In theory they shouldn't find out about it but be prepared for some questions, perhaps over the phone.

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