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New tenant taken off benifits and has a job


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Try to bring facts to this forum, not bad feelings - we can only help with facts. Let us know if tenant pays next rent or if it goes into arrears.

If your tenant has told you she is off benefit and now has a job, you are perfectly entitled to ask her for details. That is normal for reference purposes, and quite likely she would be pleased to tell you.

If you miss a month's rent due to her change of circumstances and she pays OK from thereon, it's not the end of the world is it?

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No there was no need as she came to us with a new housing benefit claim. Ive written her a letter to ask for confirmation of earnings frm hr and is it a permanent position and proof of earnings and the company name.Now my husband is going mad at me saying i cant ask for that info ! shes not as yet in arrears she ows the full months rent this sunday... but i just got a bad feeling she wont have it. especially only just started 3.4 weeks ago in the new job...

Ah that's where you are going wrong. There is always a need for a guarantor (though I agree it isn't always possible to get one).

As you have found out housing benefit isn't guaranteed income and that why we try to get a Guarantor. You don't really need the above info you have mentioned what you need to do is pin her down to when is she going to get paid and when is she going to pay you and how much?

It is unlikely she will pay the full amount to bring her up to date with her payments so you have you make the decision whether to give notice or come up with a payment plan.

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End of world? Really?

One month's rent should be seen as a landlord business loss over year, similar to void between tenants when seeking good new ones. Landlords expect such periods.

As Grampa - you have to make decision whether you want to keep this tenant or not, and be prepared to accept some loss of income meantime.

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SS this sounds like your talking to your T and not a business man who is very likely to understand the ups and downs well enough.

Now you have deleted the original text this thread only has purpose for those with a good enough memory to remember the context of it. Really now it just reads as dribble.

If your so concerned as to keeping things so private why start the thread anyway ?

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I don't think its a good idea now to have this on here and its not because of your replies which have been some what helpful I cant risk the T seeing it. It was an after thought I needed some help and advice but then I did get concerned it would had got seen I didn't realise it wasn't private to just landlords.

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I don't think its a good idea now to have this on here and its not because of your replies which have been some what helpful I cant risk the T seeing it. It was an after thought I needed some help and advice but then I did get concerned it would had got seen I didn't realise it wasn't private to just landlords.

To be honest Suzie its pathetic how you seem to think your tenant will happen to look at your post and know its you, when there's millions of landlords in the UK, many of which could be going through the same situation as you. If your that paranoid change your name.

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Aye the mortgage lender bit had me wondering.

But so did the worry of a benefit claimant getting a job that most would view as reducing the risk to the LL, if I remember the original text correctly and didn't dream it.

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As you were worried about your tenant reading your posts, and possibly missing rent payment, I thought you might also worry if your mortgage lender read your earlier response "Maybe I could explain that to my mortage company when I have a missed mortage payment !"

Ps. You should be pleased that HB tenant has got a job, as Cor says, reducing risk to LL.

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Believe it or not, but if I take on a tenant on HB I prefer them to stay on it. When they do something stupid like get a job the rent payments go are all over the place and it takes ages to get back on track again.

More thought need to go into the system to make it easier to go from HB to working to ensure the funds are in place for the rent. (first the first month or so) This is one of the reasons I try to steer clear of single men on HB because the payments can be so erratic when they start and stop jobs. As I have said before that is why I prefer single mums if I am looking for a HB tenant.

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