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Everything posted by kanrent

  1. https://www.lettingagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2019/8/crisis-for-agents-as-banks-set-to-insist-on-individual-client-accounts
  2. Tax jurisdiction Resident status tax UTR number Ni number Address Nationality They need to open a seperate account for every ll to recive rent payments Lloyd's are requesting this imformation
  3. Hi my letting agents bank now requires personal information on me the landlord to allow the agent to collect rent on my behalf and forward it to my bank Has anyone else been asked for this Do the banks share personal information
  4. Hope I will be able to evict my tenant if I decide to move into the property myself Or if I decide to sell the property
  5. Look at it like this if you had to have one of your legs removed without any anesthetic would you choose to have the left or the right leg removed Why bother voting
  6. How important is landlord legal insurance Has anyone here made a claim and what happend
  7. Can anyone tell me how I can repossess my property if I decide to sell it after they have abolished section 21
  8. Just have a fitted kitchen installed in a rental property before I could let it before there were just shelves on the wall Is that capital expenditure deductible against CGT when I sell the property or repairs
  9. Are you sure? that's worth knowing
  10. Has anyone got the detail yet Suppose I want to sell my property What then
  11. I thought that your not allowed to raise rents more than a certain percentage each year but maybe I'm wrong correct me if I am wrong
  12. Can't raise rents they are capped or soon will be
  13. Actually better if the public school boys and girls with a degree in history and geography that are supposed to be running this country do nothing Better if they run and hide like the spineless cameron
  14. I've got a good idea why don't the so called government do something to help the BTL and rental business instead of trying to destroy it, that would increase the amount of properties for rent and as a result lower rent and reduce the homeless
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