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Documentary research - landlords with problem tenants


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My name is Jen Gilroy, I'm a producer with IWC Media, producers of 'Location, Location,Location' and award winning documentaries such as 'Stephen Fry: Secret Life of a Manic Depressive'.

I'm currently developing a potential documentary which explores the impact the recession has had on the private rental sector - from the 'accidental landlord' to those with larger portfolios - all of whom are currently experiencing problems with tenants.

If you want to get in touch for more information or to have a chat, I'm on direct line 0141 353 8417 or email jennifer.gilroy@iwcmedia.co.uk

Many thanks


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You will have plenty of personal landlord stories on that re bad tenant's Jennifer!

Whilst your making your program ask the question " What Government Numpty decided to pay DSS/DWP tenant's rent directly into their bank accounts instead of paying the Landlord (as was the case) thus allowing the bad paying tenant's a source of instant cash to spend on anything BUT paying their rent on time"?

Good luck with your program and it's about time bad tenant's were exposed for what they are and to highlight the fact that there are some very good landlord's out there, including me and the many landlord's who contribute to this forum.


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