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Any advice?

My property's side paved pathway has become lifted in areas due to leaseholder's tree roots.The trees really need to stay as they provide privacy.The path areas could be leveled which would then mean that there were several 'steps' along the path. If someone then tripped on a step how would I stand? Would it be eneough to put up a sign saying uneven path? It is unlit as it is not used at night. Thanks

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Funny enough Bruce I had this problem a few years back with an access path which sided my rented property that led to a Public Footpath.

It too became uneven through tree roots and a potential trip hazard.

I didn't even know that I owned this short pathway until I checked it out and I did!

I got around the problem by lifting the existing flagstones and then bordering the pathway with edging and backfilling the path with sharp sand/cement to a depth of 6" and replacing the flags.

It all stayed OK for the next 4 years until I sold the property on.

I guess the bottom line is........ if it's your path.......then yes, you are responsible for the duty of care and maintenance and in today's World of let's sue for damages (hurt in an accident?......Not your Fault? let us claim for you at no cost to yourself!)

you will need to get it fixed asap.

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