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Contacting energy suppliers


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Hi all,

I thought I would throw this open to the group, but I'm not sure if anyone can help...

I have a small (but growing) portfolio of properties and as tenants come and go I'm finding I am contacting the energy suppliers on an almost weekly basis sometimes with two or more queries at a time.

Yesterday I was on the phone for 36mins to British Gas before I got through. It gave me enough time to email them to complain about the wait, and all I got back was a short email asking me to ring them! :lol:

Anyway it got me thinking, what do people do with hundreds of houses? I have read about private individuals in such a (lucky :blink: ) position. They must be on the phone every day!

I wondered if the major energy suppliers have a secret "hot-line" number for such people who need to contact them so often.

Has anyone got any experiance of this?

Can anyone shed any light?


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Hi Trevor,

I also find British Gas most frustrating and I have switched all of my properties onto Southern Electric who are much more responsive, work at weekends and don't keep you hanging on the line for ages.

I'm not aware of any secret hotline numbers though !


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we have 36 propertys and find this problem with powergem,we contact them when a tenants moves in and when they move out, giving them a reading and forwarding address.but can they get it right NO, have spent hours on the phone trying to sort it out but waste of space,

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The easiest way I have found is to get the outgoing tenants to confirm closing readings and who their energy supplier is; phone them and confirm with them opening (for the new tenant) and closing readings, and take the name of the operator, and the date and time of the call.

Then ignore them - it's their problem...Oh, and make sure your phone has a hands free function!

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Thanks for all your help!

Interestingly straight afterwards I had to ring nPower and the local council and got through without waiting so I do suspect it's a problem with British Gas - I transferred all the properties over to them before the price hike! Guess I'll be shopping around soon!



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