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What is the landlord's reposnsibility with regard to redecoration?

The property that I have let out is in reasonable condition (all plastered walls so ony painted amyway), OK it may benefit from a touch up here and there but generally it's OK and probably has no more marks than my own walls at home!

Is redecoration my responsibility and if so, to what standard is it expected to be? How do I know when I should re-do it?

How long's a bit of string I suspect but would appreciate some help as the tenant has said she wants to re-decorate. I just said 'Oh that's nice' but want to be fair and if it's down to me I'll pay for it.

Thanks for your help!


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I would say that as long as it is in a reasonable state then your responsibility ends. For what reason does your tenant want to redecorate - is it to touch up or to create their own take on it.

I had a tenant who wanted to redecorate one room in the house. The room was already in good condition so I gave them the option of redecorating themselves, but that before they did it I would need to agree to the style.... afterall I didnt want buzz lightyear wallpaper on the walls!!

If it could do with a touch up, you may want to (as a matter of goodwill) offer to contribute, but I would suggest that any change in colour of style is pre-agreed with you

I dont think there are any hard and fast rules

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Hi Jessica

As a landlord, you really have a duty to supply a property with the decor is reasonable order and the tenants have a duty to keep the decor in reasonable order less fair wear and tear during the term of their lease.

It appears to be a grey area within the Assured Shorthold system as to who is responsible.

I always advise tenants to get the landlords to agree to the decor plans. Over my many years as an agent, I have seen properties transformed into palaces by the tenants and landlords still go "off the deep end" because they were not consulted.

But is does not hurt to assist with decor costs if the tenant wishes to supply labour, however, going down this route, you will not have much control over quality of the decor. The cost of correcting bad decorating could easily exceed the deposit.

Remember if you pay for the materials and the tenant supplies labour, you get the receipts for the paid and materials and submit it to IR at the appropriate time.

Each situation regarding decor will be different and you will have to react to each according to it's merits.

I tend to have my own properties all magnolia and white gloss, on the short term lets, it is easy to get in there and freshen it up, job done ready to re-let.



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Hi Jessica,

A tenant wanting to re-decorate a room is a good sign. It means that the tenant is settled in your property and is probably planning on staying for quite a while (otherwise what is the point of redecorting).

All this means is that you won't be having any void periods (where you don't get monthly rent) from this property any time soon !

So who is responsible for paying for redecoration ? It depends why the tenant wants to redecorate.

If it is because the magnolia is looking worn then I would suggest that it is the landlords responsibility and you should send in your local handyman to give it a quick makeover. This will keep the tenant happy (and keep those void periods away).

If the tenant wants to redecorate a bedroom because, perhaps, a baby is on the way then this would be the tenants responsibility. Under these circumstances, I would only let the tenant redecorate on the agreement that they will return the room to the same shade of magnolia at the end of the tenancy.

If the tenant wants the whole house redecorated (just for the hell of it) then I would still grant permission as long as a PROFESSIONAL, local, painting and decorating company were employed at the tenants expense.

Hope that helps ....


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