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help for newbie landlord


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Hi all,

We had to let out our house within a month and we were too trusty and too absorbed with other family situations, so naturally we are now with a set of problems both with our LA and our tenants.

1) LA was not passing rent to us for 4 months, claiming that our bank details were missing somehow. We had to beg, threaten, shout over the phone to get him to give us what was due.

He is not with the Ombudsman. I know now...

He got a whole year's (full) management fees in advance.

He didn't carry out Inventory checks, although it was clearly stated in our contract with him.

Obtaining any form of receipts, tenancy agreements was a real pain.

Since he paid us the fist 4 months we instructed him not do anything else with regards to the management of our property and arranged for the tenant to pay us directly.

I understand that we've handed him convenience on a plate, but if there is a way of getting some money back for the service he did not provide, I'd like to know.

2) Tenants:

Within 2 months of their tenancy, they charged us through the management company, for

a replacement of a bulb, for unblocking toilets, which is clearly something that they are responsible to maintain and keep clean according to their contract.

We stopped the LA agents from sending their management company when they complained about the garage door. When my husband had a look, he saw that they managed to break it somehow!!!

They also had a gas fire in the house removed, for safety reasons (children might trip and injure themselves), without informing us beforehand and without carrying gas safety check afterwards.

This action invalidated our gas safety check.

Since the rent transition they haven't payed not once their rent on time citing difficulties and currently withhold a rent, because they want us to fix the garage door and change a stiff lock for the garden door.

The tenancy agreement states that if they delay rent even by 14 days they pay interest and also that we have the right to evict them.

We have arranged for someone to see about the garage door, but obviously the situation with the rent delays and arrears we are now in serious danger of falling in arrears ourselves.

And they have the nerve to ask lock changes!

We want to evict them as soon as possible. How can we do that?

Apologies for the long email. Reading though some of the topics I was impressed by the standard of help in the forum.


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Let's deal with evicting the tenants 1st.

The most sure way is by issuing a Section 21 notice. What dates did the tenants move in and how long was the ageement for?

To make sure you get the notice correct I suggest you use a SPECIALIST landlord and tenant solicitor who may evict for a fixed price or try this one www.tenancyservices.co.uk which has no connection to me but I have found it cost effective and reliable.

Where is the tenants' deposit? - The landlord not the agent is responsible for the deposit and if it is not protected the Section 21 will be invalid. Any obvious breakages and damage could be re-claimed from the deposit so start listing the damage with photographic proof once they have moved out.

The agent - I take it you signed a contract with this person. He is in breach of contract by not doing what he said in the contract he would do so you could take out a small claims court action against him for the losses you state - cost £100 at the local county court or do www.moneyclaim.co.uk for a cost of £60 but if he is as bad as you state then he could go bust at any moment so name him personally on the forms - don't use his company name.

Act in haste - repent.........I won't go on!

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Act in haste.....repent at leisure Mortitia....... as my old Granny use to say. :D

Reading through OP's questions I have this feeling that all is not going to be very straightforward.

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