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Question to Landlords: How do you screen applicants?


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Dear Landlords,

my Name is Nam Chu Hoai and I'm one of the co-founders at Credport (https://www.credport.org). We are building a tool to help people trust each other on the Internet, especially on transactions facilitated through the Internet. If that is OK with you, I'd like to ask you about your Screening Process and how we could be useful.

How relevant is a user's online activity for you in the screening process? We allow people to verify and aggregate their online identities, as well as verify other information such as phone numbers and emails addresses.

Would something like Credport be useful to you in the process, i.e. could you see using Credport to e.g. pre-screen applicants? What in your current process do you see we could do for you?


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My current rocess works very well.

I & my agents have a tenant selection criteria sheet that all tenants must meet

1. I screen my tenants on the phone or on line......most fail to meet the standards.

2. When they view the property they are screened again.......those that have told untruths to gain access have their legs broken.

3. I find the system works well but I'm getting fed up carrying them out to the waiting ambulance......any help would be useful.


Applications from the following people are not acceptable under any circumstances

• Smokers.
• Pet owners (specifically dogs, cats or reptiles).
• Non English speakers.
• Those with resident children.
• Anyone in receipt of housing benefit or LHA.
• Those wanting Company lettings.
• Any letting that would results in overcrowding (eg parents with children in a 1 bedroom flat).
• Anyone running a business or commercial operation directly from the property.
• Applicants who have long lead times to moving in.

Applications from the following people will depend on circumstances

• Non working tenants…..including part time workers, unemployed, those looking for work, university students with/ without working partner are each considered on their own merits.
• Non resident children…..eg single, divorced, separated parent who looks after a child every other weekend may be OK. Would depend primarily on age of children.
• Lettings for less than 6 months…..normally requires higher rent to cover fixed costs.
• Poor references or no references or don’t qualify for RGI…..may require a home owning guarantor or rent period in advance.
• Age under 25......depends on the person, circumstances, maturity, job etc.

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