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HB Reclaiming 'Overpayments'

Carryon Regardless

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I've just spoken to Denbighshire HB to suspend payments to a T who has now exceeded 8 weeks with his arrears. They talk of 2 months as a requirement but I'll pretend 8 weeks is the same as a try on.

The principle I'm using is that payments to him are suspended from today. I now send a rental statement and covering letter. They assess and hopefully award payments direct to me and the sooner the payments to him are suspended the more I should get later.

They are sending me a "Landlords Declaration" to sign, accepting that overpayments can be claimed from me. The lady then proceeded to explain what this means. Smart ass me says "yeh yeh I know all about that", until she says "if for example he leaves the property we can recover from you, but of course if there is a change in his revenue we would not...". What "pardon, you mean if he gets a job and forgets to tell you, you won't recover from me ?"

Apparently they will only reclaim from me if the situation is something I would, or should, be aware of. There's a change in our favour I didn't expect.

As she explained that a T leaving is something we would be aware of she could hear me laughing. "They more often just abscond". Then apparently they would claim the overpayment but on receipt of a letter from me would likely only expect to recover up to my becoming aware.

Happy New Year, mine feels better already.

It doesn't take much does it ?

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