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Joint owner tyring to evict my lodgers


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The court order from my divorce entitles me to ALL rental income from the property in which I live (and she does not), but which is in joint names.

I have 3 x lodger agreements (the emphasis on I have the agreements).

The Ex (divorced) wife, who doesn't live at the property, has issued all of my lodgers with eviction notices, which gives them 4 weeks to leave, at which point it says she will seek CCJ to evict them.

What are the chances of a court issuing a CCJ in these circumstances?

Thank you for your responses in advance.

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Question. Why can't you offer NEW lodger agreements (just in your name) that start when the 4 weeks notice ends ? That way....nobody has to move out or boother about CCJ notices.

Answer. Because you haven't got formal legal advice......which is what you really need to get.

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Question. Why can't you offer NEW lodger agreements (just in your name) that start when the 4 weeks notice ends ? That way....nobody has to move out or boother about CCJ notices.

Answer. Because you haven't got formal legal advice......which is what you really need to get.

As already mentioned I am the ONLY landlord listed on the lodger agreements, so why would I need to issue new lodger agreements again?

I personally didn't believe that, I'd be able to find a formal legal advice firm, that really knows the answer to this as it is such an odd issue, therefore placing the question on the web seemed sensible. That way maybe I can find someone legal that REALLY does know the answer/can assist in protecting my lodgers.

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As already mentioned I am the ONLY landlord listed on the lodger agreements, so why would I need to issue new lodger agreements again?

Well no you didn't post that actually. What you posted was: I have 3 x lodger agreements (the emphasis on I have the agreements). which is not quite the same thing, is it ?

I personally didn't believe that, I'd be able to find a formal legal advice firm, that really knows the answer to this as it is such an odd issue, therefore placing the question on the web seemed sensible.

I would have thought a solicitor who deals with divorce would be best able to advise you.

That way maybe I can find someone legal that REALLY does know the answer/can assist in protecting my lodgers.

Maybe you can......but I wouldn't expect to protect my lodgers on the basis of unknown quality of information from an internet forum. These forums are great for general info' but not necessarily legal .....good luck.

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