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Agenet fees


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It depends on what they are going to do for you.

It ranges from.....agents who offer a tenant find service only to those that do everything and fully manage the let for you.

Prices can vary between London and the home counties.

If you provide more details you will probably get a more detailed response.

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I'm Glasgow based, I am paying 10% at the moment, for fully managed property they did not charge a finders fee however I had a lot of initial costs with certificates etc for the property and these were almost £300.

I thought I should shop around a bit and try and save myself some money before agreeing to another 6 months. Is 10% comparable?

It depends on what they are going to do for you.

It ranges from.....agents who offer a tenant find service only to those that do everything and fully manage the let for you.

Prices can vary between London and the home counties.

If you provide more details you will probably get a more detailed response.

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