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Adding Additional Tenant


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Good morning.

I have a tenant in my flat on a 12 month AST (6 month break clause), running till April 2013.

He has asked if his girl-friend, who is now staying in the flat, can be added to the AST?

Please advise if this is possible/advisable, and the best way to effect this. I have no objections to this, and he is a good tenant, although my preference is to leave in his name as the line of responsibility is clear.

Many thanks, Dave

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Providing the girlfriend meets all of your tenant selection criteria eg she's working full time, doesn't smoke, doesn't keep pets, isn't to young etc etc AND providing she passes referencing, credit checks and quallifies for rent guarantee insurance AND you are prepared to redo the inventory, schedule of condition etc AND providing they are prepared to pay your costs for a new AST, supporting paperwork and deposit protection and any other out of pocket expenses......I don't see any problems with going ahead.

BUT......DON'T change the existing AST.........always draw up another one.

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