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Terminating contract with Letting Agent


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Hello all,

I need some advice on sacking the LA I'm using to manage my properties. Whilst digging out the original agreement to let which I should have and they should (although I'm not trusting them) what is the best means to terminate my agreement? Would I need to give a month's notice? One impact is rent arrears of up to 3 months with no feedback from the LA, therefore need to escalate to the relevant bodies.

thanks again.

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what is the best means to terminate my agreement?

Its best to read your contract between you and your agents. I suspect you will struggle to terminate your agents without also terminating all of the tenants they found for you.

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See what the contract says, if the contract has any penalty clauses, then they may fall fould of the unfair contract terms in consumer contract regulations. Other than this if they have done nothing wrong you will be the party in breach of the contract so expect some reaction on the issue.

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