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Old T on low housing benefit


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Got a T that has been there for over 10 years but I just took over the property a year back. He pays 50% of what the rent should be.

He is a nice guy so I really don't want to get him out, what would be the best way to get HB to pay the allowed rate? Normally I would give a notice of 10% increment but he is way below the rates that the council pays for new T's on HB. So that will take 5-6 years to bring up to the level that it should be on.

I am not sure how long he has been in but I know its after 1990.

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I would look on the government LHA website http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Diol1/DoItOnline/DG_196239 to see what they pay for your property and then serve a section 13 notice (if tenancy periodic) on the tenant which he will take to the council (post copy also) the council will either pay or not though there will be a delay before it kicks in. You could also try speaking to the council to find out the best date to start it.

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