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How do you chuck somebody out who has nowhere to go?


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My Lodger is awful with finance and due to him bailiffs came around to my house to recover his debt - he has to go asap.

Does anybody know of any way I can help him organise somewhere else to stay? he's paying me £300 a month for his room - but on his salary of £600 a month after taxes this is not affordable for him - especially with his ever mounting debts. Is there somebody I can contact for ideas?

I don't want to know that I'm making somebody homeless - but it seems like that's exactly what I'm about to do.

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Well, its not your problem! You aren't his keeper or responsible for finding alternative accomodation or any other social need that he may have.

However, it would be a hard person not to at least try to provide some guidance or assistance. The starting point should be to send him to the homelessness dept of your local council. Its their responsibilitfry to house him.......the alternative is for him to find a suitable cardboard box and join the hundreds of others sleeping rough.

He'll probably qualify for benefits and be put in a cheap B&B or hostel.


Good luck........thats for both of you

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Thanks for the suggestion of the local homelessness dept. Richlist.

I've found one close to where he works and that may be his only option, I couldn't live with myself knowing he was in a cardboard box with a shopping trolly of clothes, I have to at least find him a bed... For my own sanity.

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Unfortunately, if he has no dependents and is not classified as 'vulnerable' you may well get little joy from the council. Shelter - homeless charity - might be able to recommend some cheaper local accommodation/hostels.

If the bailiffs have been round to your house because of him, then you probably want to check your own credit rating as there may be a blacklist on your address. If his debts are 'ever mounting', it's not going to get better. You might want to have a frank discussion with him about who else he is in debt with and insist he contacts them to explain his situation (or get contact details and do it yourself) and when he moves out, ensure that the electoral register/council tax lists (if applicable) are updated ASAP.

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If the bailiffs have been round to your house because of him, then you probably want to check your own credit rating as there may be a blacklist on your address.


Properties cannot be 'blacklisted' only individuals can have their credit ratings downgraded.

If his debts are 'ever mounting', it's not going to get better. You might want to have a frank discussion with him about who else he is in debt with and insist he contacts them to explain his situation (or get contact details and do it yourself)

MORE INCORRECT STUFF :angry: ........The tenants financial details are nothing to do with his landlord.

Don't get involved.

and when he moves out, ensure that the electoral register/council tax lists (if applicable) are updated ASAP.

I doubt anyone can speed up their local council on a matter such as this and why would you want to anyway ?

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>> Properties cannot be 'blacklisted' only individuals can have their credit ratings downgraded.

OK, that's my bad, apologies to the OP for incorrect information. Hope you have a lodger agreement in place or rent receipts/any other kind of relevant paperwork to prove there's no relationship - sure it wouldn't be 100% needed, but might make life easier.

MORE INCORRECT STUFF :angry: ........The tenants financial details are nothing to do with his landlord.

Don't get involved.

The bailiffs have called round to the LL's HOME. S/he is already involved. If my lodger is paying their rent on time and I don't have bailiffs knocking on the door, then I could care less about their finances - none of my business, as you've said.

But how about this scenario: LL goes out, bailiffs call round while lodger is in and lodger lets them in and allows them to take LL's possessions. Undesirable, no? Just the sheer hassle factor of sorting it all out.

In OP's position, I would change the locks, right smartly - but s/he is evidently not willing to do that, so in that situation I would absolutely want to be sure that my stuff in my home was not at risk. If lodger doesn't like it or hand over the info, then fer goodness sakes OP, change the locks - you have to look after yourself and your home first.

I doubt anyone can speed up their local council on a matter such as this and why would you want to anyway ?

Because having bailiffs call round to your house for someone who no longer lives there is actually really irritating.

OK, so a LL/lodger situation is a business relationship. Having been in that situation myself for a number of years I totally get that. But what you have to take into account in terms of privacy etc is that the lodger is in the landlord's home.

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But how about this scenario: LL goes out, bailiffs call round while lodger is in and lodger lets them in and allows them to take LL's possessions. Undesirable, no? Just the sheer hassle factor of sorting it all out.

But it doesn't work like that. Bailiffs have to follow set procedures. They are intelligent people and the clue is already there for them in the name ......LODGER.

A bailiff or two knocking on the door shouldn't send anyone other than the lodger into panic mode. I've always found that debt collectors only require sight of proof / information concerning ownership of property to stop bothering a landlord.

I think your worries are unfounded, sensationalist and infer that you know what you are talking about and clearly you don't.

If the fear of bailiffs searching for people other than you continues to bother you I suggest you seek out medical advice. Paranoia can be very destructive ! :ph34r:

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