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N5B Getting technicalities right


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Good morning. Hope you are having a good weekend. We try to, and full English breakfast helps.

A quick question before we submit S21 documents tomorrow. Form N5B says in Q.2:

On xx xx 20xx the claimant entered into a written tenancy agreement with the defendant(s). The thing is we received the deposit and got the agreement signed no 21/03/11 but the tenancy itself started on 25th, so we have two dates on the agreement -

The term 6 months beginning on 25 March 2011 and Dated 21 March 2011 (the actual date when it was signed).

Which date shall we put into N5B? My guess is 25/03, but I want to make sure. I already had to redo it because we put the last day of tenancy on "the notice expires on the..."

Thank you.

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You put in the date the tenancy started not the date it was signed. Signing a contract early doesnt start the tenancy then it just means both parties have ageed for for a tenancy to start on a later date and cannot back out.

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