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s21 forms for evicion


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Good afternoon. You helped me a lot, but may I ask a few more questions?

I shared with you that I was going to evict a non-paying, uncontactable T. We served him S21 from two different post offices on 09/07, which encouraged him to start paying again and "made him upset", as he said.

Not for long. The same story again - not paying, different excuses all the time, promises to pay, and again the only communication is by text messages, and only when he wants.

We are ripe and ready to proceed with eviction, so I just would like to double-check the list of the documents for section 21 route. Oh, and now, after promising to pay yesterday , he texted, saying that he understands if we want him out and can we give him two weeks warning or take the money out of deposit and he promises (yet again) that he'll start paying again from the next week. I understand that money from deposit is out of the question, but what about two weeks? We served him S21 2,5 months ago. Isn't it enough (his tenancy ends on a week)? I would give him two weeks as long as he leaves but, him being a compulsive liar and making false promises all the time, I am afraid that he's just trying to win the time, as happened more than once before, and we'll eventually have to go through the courts, but we'll lose more time and rent money. We plan to send him a Final Warning Letter, reminding that he has to be out by the end of the tenancy, according to S21, or we'll start Court Proceedings. Do you think it's a good idea? I'll be grateful to hear the perspective of experienced LLs.

Anyway, here's the list of S21 route documents:

- tenancy agreement

- copy of S21 with proof of postage

- Form N5B

- printed out page from DPS, showing that we protected his deposit on such and such date and ref.number (but repayment ID is not on it, do we need to also need to print out e-mail with repayment ID?)

- prescribed information, which was attached to Tenancy agreement.

Do I need to enclose form N215 (Particulars of Service), if we posted S21 and kept proof of postage?

Guidance Notes say that I will need "to provide the court with two copies of all the court forms and supporting documents, plus an additional set of copies for each defendant". Does it mean that I need to send three copies of tenancy agreement? And what about S21, if we sent it from two different locations? Three copies of each, 6 all together?

Finally, can I submit the documents through Possession Claim Online https://www.possessi...col/HomePage.do ? This way it'll be cheaper and easier.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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You cant do a s21 possession on-line you have to post it to the court.

You sent to the court a full set of paperwork for the judge and every tenant (which the court foreward on)

When i have posted s21's i just inclose photo copies of the proof of postage/recorded deliverly. Never used n215.

Regarding the deposit all i send is the protection certificate and precribed info.

Dont forget to enclose the fee as well.

Be very carefull about sending letters to the tenant because it could be used in a defence depending what you write.

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