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Fresh Fish


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I just bought my first quadplex. I am quite handy, own a contracting company. The place is a bit run down, I am picking away at it slowly but it needs some work.

The question i have is ( so many i don't know where to start)

Base board heating. I would like to switch it over to natural gas anyone ever do this?

I am trying to figure out how much I should be renting for. I have it posted (arnprior) at 675 +heat and not getting anywhere with renting it out. as I said the accros the rd is pretty dodgy looking. advice.

Advice on getting people in. I am on kijji i posted in the paper.

Sorry about be so wet around the ears.

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I am not aware of what base board heating is.

Local market rents, ie the competition, should be the value you set your rents at.

Area, comparisons, local demand all should be taken into account .

Kijji ??

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