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Credit check


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We would like to start doing credit check, esp. as there're some self-employed candidates. Could you recommend the one to use (I presume it's all done online) and how much it will be? Also, with self-empoyed, what, apart from tax return for the last year and recent bank statements can we ask for?

Thank you.

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Rent Guarantee Insurance is highly recommended OR a home owning guarantor. You should never let property without it.

Do a web search for Letsure......they will sort it out. Why isn't your lettings agent doing this for you ?

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.............because she is doing it herself Richlist.

Irina - there are lots of credit check firms out there all doing roughly the same thing. Search online, I think I did Tenant Check last time for £40.

Bearing in mind your prior posts I would ask for a previous landlord reference or even one before, sight of the applicant's passport (and check carefully), details of their work - address/phone (this also could be provided on the credit check) and follow it up. If using a guarantor check them too.

Take a deposit this time and protect it. The DPS is free and easy to use online.

Good luck,


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.............because she is doing it herself Richlist.

Irina - there are lots of credit check firms out there all doing roughly the same thing. Search online, I think I did Tenant Check last time for £40.

Bearing in mind your prior posts I would ask for a previous landlord reference or even one before, sight of the applicant's passport (and check carefully), details of their work - address/phone (this also could be provided on the credit check) and follow it up. If using a guarantor check them too.

Take a deposit this time and protect it. The DPS is free and easy to use online.

Good luck,


Thank you so much for to the point reply, Mortitia. I will definitely take your advice. I always protect deposits, have always done, and yes, with DPS. We play by the rules. For the second flat taht we own, the agent seems to have found a T. And she has done all the checks you menioned. We requested to view the documents and all seems well. A shame we'll be £250 shorter, but if she was faster than ourselves, then it's the price to pay.

One more question, though, if I may. Shall we insist that the deposit is protected (with DPS) or allow the agency to hold it? Or does she have to protect it, anyway? Thank you.

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Irina - I would protect the deposit myself with the DPS and not allow the agent to do it. That way you are more in control.

Richlist - are you selling guaranteed rent insurance? I have never used this and observed others that do failing to get money from such schemes.


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I have no direct connection to rent guarantee insurance.

I aways get it through my lettings agent or get a home owning guarantor. It seems an ideal way of reducing risk and avoiding some of the situations posters on this and other forums seem to get into. When I've claimed on the insurance its paid out and it seems to me there are lots of people on this and other forums who would do well to seriously consider it.

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I have had a look myself and it seems to have toooo many conditions about the type of tenants.

Just had to laugh at your take on the faux grass spam post - I am just looking into getting some for a small tortuous garden at one of my lets and yes it is a horrendous price.


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