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Which insurance for property


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Can anyone advise as to what insurance company to use for my property, i am a first time landlord and the property will be let at the end of July.

Is there anything I need to know?, also do I just insure the building and the tenants insure the contents?

Any advice appreciated


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Guest caravanj

You insure the building which normally covers any fixed appliances as well ( mine does ). It's up to your T to insure their own possessions.

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You don't actually need any insurance. Its not mandatory/ legally required UNLESS its a condition of your mortgage lender. However it is recommended that you at least consider having:

* Buildings insurance.

* Contents insurance. Even if you are not letting furnished accomodation anything you supply is your responsibility to insure. Carpets, curtains, light fittings, free standing cooker, fridge, vacuum cleaner etc etc. Tenants are responsible for ensuring their own belongings and cannot usually insure items that don't belong to them.

* Rent Guarantee Insurance.

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Guest caravanj

You insure the building which normally covers any fixed appliances as well ( mine does ). It's up to your T to insure their own possessions.

I took out a landlord's insurance policy which covers the building & all fixed items that belong to me & specifically names white goods, carpets etc.

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I took out a landlord's insurance policy which covers the building & all fixed items that belong to me & specifically names white goods, carpets etc.

My understanding of the meaning of fixed items in this context includes built in white goods......not freestanding. So, whilst the policy covers fitted carpets it wouldn't cover normal freestanding cookers, fridge/ freezers and washing machines.....your post is not clear on this point. It would be unusual for a rental property to have ALL the white goods built in.

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I have had several quotes now but would like to know if anyone can recommend any insurance company as prefer to know they are reputable

I have had a quote from simple landlords ins for £168 which includes legal exps of £39 and Alan Boswell £178, these seem to come up a bit, has anyone used them and does this seem a good fee for a 2 bed unfurnished terraced property.

Also is it worth having legal expenses as I have a fully managed agent


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