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Mortgage Broker


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Cheltenham and Gloucester via Lloyds Bank are offering 80% LTV deals on Buy to Let

I think the problem that many mortgage applicants have is the 'V' in LTV.

The so called value attributed by the purchaser is often in excess of the one the mortgage valuer provides to the lender.

The result is that lots of people are apparantly failing to achieve the mortgage offer they expected. Make sure you aren't one of them.t

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Saw an IFA and he has suggested a BTL mortgage which is a 1 year tracker interest only at 4.98%. LTV is 75%. This is designed to allow me the flexibility to leverage on the property post-renovation.

However, I am now thinking about doing a long-term rental so am seeking advice on what product others would currently use use for say a 5 year rental?

Is there a good BTL comparison site (like moneysupermarket.com)?

Sorry to ask such basic questions!

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However, I am now thinking about doing a long-term rental so am seeking advice on what product others would currently use use for say a 5 year rental?

I wouldn't agree to a 5 year rental agreement. I prefer to have the flexibility to raise rents and end tenancies without needing to wait for a lengthy agreement to run its course.

BTL mortgages @ 5% are unlikely to provide sufficient profit from rental income when all costs are taken into account .

Is there a good BTL comparison site (like moneysupermarket.com)?

Mortgage brokers usually have access to mortgages that are not available direct to the general public so an independant broker is much more likely to find you the best deal available.

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