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Change of Flat Numbering


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Because of some problems with Royal Mail and misdirected deliveries, I am in the process of changing the numbering in some flats I rent out (going from numbers to letters). I am a leaseholder, and my own landlord has agreed to the change (of course the building number stays the same). I was wondering if under the terms of their tenancy, my tenants need to give their consent for this to happen? Of course I would inform them of the changes and give them notice for them to change their correspondence address etc., but I'm not sure whether I actually need their permission as such. They're all on standard ASTs.

Thanks in advance.

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Surely the lease you hold would have to be amended as well otherwise it could cause problems if and when you come to sell. But regarding the tenant if and when you do the change tie it in with a AST renewal with the amendment on the new AST.

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