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Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and would love to hear your advice.

My tenants AST expired on 13/2/11, they left the property leaving extensive damage to it, they would not give me their forwarding address, didn't pay their any bills whilst they were there. I have since been in contact with the letting agent that found the tenants, asked them along to the property to validate the state & condition of the way it was left, They took photographic evidence and I myself have also done this. I have listed all of the damages and obtained quotes for the works to re-instate the property back to its original condition. The agent has been in touch with the tenants, have requested a forwarding address for him, he refused to give them one either, so the agent told the tenant that she would have no alternative but to give us his parents address as they were his guarantors whilst they were at the property, he didnt like this much and his reply to her was that he was going to instruct his solicitors if she gave us that address, we haven't heard anything as yet from his solicitors.

There deposit was protected with the DPS, I have been in contact with them in order to obtain the amount of money for our damages, £1300, his deposit was £1400, he has rejected this claim and seeks all of the deposit to be refunded to him, I have now initiated the ADR Process in order to get this sorted out, he has rejected this as well,

Can some one please tell me where to go from here to recover our costs for the damages,

Many thanks


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Don't go down the ADR process, its very tenant biased , go down the County Court route,you have far better chance of winning, the old fuddy duddy retired Barristers /Lawyers that both DPS and Mydeposits use are well past their sell by date and seem to give their judgment (which is final )in favour of the ex tenant. In future go the rent Guarantee and guarantor route, you had a Guarantor ,use them to get your money after all they must have signed a deed of Guarantee

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HI there,

Did you or the agent make an inventory at the start of the tenancy? If you did then showing the damages should be straightforward enough. I are with previous post that DPS do tend to side with the tenant but if damage is obvious then you have a good case.

LOL - there is no come back from having the parents (guarantor) adresss - that should have been available to you anyway from the outset. Sounds like this naughty person does not want Mummy and Daddy to know what has been going on.

Did the agent not make regular inspections? OR did this damage happen in one event like a party?

Tracing tenants who are working is not that difficult - within a few weeks they will be leaving a paper trail for a tracer to pick up - try 'findermonkey.co.uk'

The bills that are unpaid are not your concern and I suggest you give the suppliers the name and address of the parents/guarantors to send further demands to.

What a nice surprise they will have!


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