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Hey!! newbie LL here.. :)


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Hey guys, Never knew there was a forum for landlords!!!! at last!!

Can anyone recommend a good reliable Handyman/maintenence company that will happily deal with landlords and not just estate agents??

All iv come across is dodgy cowboys who promise the moon on a stick but fail to deliver!!!!! not happy as have lost loads on these poeple.. :(

Thanks in advance for the help, also im based in the essex/east london area.. :)

Thanks again

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I don't know if we have any members in your area but try www.checkatrade.co.uk for E.London and Essex

thanks mate!! i found a really good company in my area call *******, they do the handy man services and audio & visual & it support aswell as building work so are ideal for me.. :)

so far so good and am very impressed with them.. they take care of most of the estate agent properties around the area so have been highly recommended.

anyone else used these guys?

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No I haven't heard of them, sounds like your promoting your own company, work dried up or new starter?

I'm in Essex so I'll take the tip, http://www.checkatrade.com/, thanks Mortitia



Not at all mate the company was recommended by a collegue, i thought id give the guys a shout as they helped me out loads!

you dont know what u chatting about mate, im a police officer for the MP actually and no need for the sarcasm, bloody keyboard warriors..

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Not at all mate the company was recommended by a collegue, i thought id give the guys a shout as they helped me out loads!

you dont know what u chatting about mate, im a police officer for the MP actually and no need for the sarcasm, bloody keyboard warriors..

In your first posting you are asking this forum if anybody knew of a maintenance company or handyman for your area.

In your second posting you are giving out details of a company that you use and recommend......so what is it to be?

We get a lot of people posting on here in what only can only be described as thinly disguised self advertising their business postings and your posting comes across to me as exactly that by the way you have listed your requests.

Any landlord can easily find their own maintenance company or handyman to fix their rental property problems for their local area if they put their mind to it.

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yes, i was looking for a handyman, the estate agents i deal with use there own and was too busy to do work for anyone else, so i asked on here as advised by my estate agent looking after my property.

you with me so far? as a new landlord i have recently dealt with a couple of handymen & maintenance guys recommended by other landlords and friends, who i werent happy with.

in my second post i gave details of a company that i called on the day and my ###### was dealt with on the same day with no problems, so i happily gave them a shout on here..

sorry im not very forum savvy for you guys that my posts werent put in a certain way..

and no, i as a landlord couldn't find anyone reliable in my local area to do the work required!

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