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Need a letter to tenant about disruption


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Hi everyone

I have a 3 bed house, and a tenant in there for a year now. The lease is up for renewal, and I have verbally agreed to renew it with her. However, since then I have chatted to the neighbours, and it seems there have been a few occasions where she's had a row (I presume with the ex-boyfriend), and on one occasion even the police were called.

I used to live in the house and I am still friends with many of the neighbours. I am expecting the disruption to continue, and I shall be checking regularly with the neighbours form now on. I am going to renew the lease, but for 6 months only.

I would like to write her a letter stating that I am aware of the disruption, and that I want it to cease, or I wont renew the lease after 6 months.

Where can I find a form, or a document that would comply legally as a sort of warning notice to her?

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There is no actual hard and fast document for you to copy as a template.

You need to write or type your own words and within that letter I would state the reasons for having to write to them in this case undue noise/fights/ arguments being reported to you by your neighbours. Make it perfectly clear that this has to stop or you will have to review the occupation tenancy that they have.......no need to threaten anybody......just make it clear and precise and business like but avoid strong language......nobody responds to that in an initial letter of complaint.


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Thanks for that very quick response, Mel!

Ok, I will just type up my own, then. I am lucky, in that I am pretty sure I have another tenant lined up. But I want to be reasonable and give my existing tenant a chance to change things (though I am not holding my breath!)


Season's greetings, everyone!

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