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Contents claim


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Hi advice needed,

I have discovered that I have damp in a property that I rent out, The tenants have approached me and said they need to claim compensation due to some of their property being damaged by damp and mildew. Is this my issue and they claim from me. I understand they don't have contents insurance.

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Hi Dean,

To start with work out what has caused the damp?

If it is a leaking roof or pipe then you could be liable BUT if it is condensation, a favourite at this time of year then it is down to the tenants to provided adequate ventilation to stop this happening. Are they drying clothes in the property?

A way around that is for you or them to get a dehumidifier to remove excess water from the air - they work very well and are cheap to run. In a couple of my lets I supply these and make tenants sign for them not to be removed fromt he property. This seems to work out fine. Last year new tenants turned up with thier own dehumidifer - saying that they always have one as most flats get damp!

Even if your tenants had contents insurance the company involved would turn the claim down and back to you I fear.


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I do impress on my Tenants that ALL their personal possessions are their resposibility and not mine so therefore Contents type insurance for all eventualities must be their responsibility. My contents insurance covers MY contents such as carpets etc. in case of fire and flood and theft.

Regarding the damp problem it is highly likely that it is the old and much discussed problem of condensation rather than a building damp problem.


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