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Hi anyone;

My tenant left my property without paying 8 months rent and never came back. I came to find out through my neighbour who lives next to my letting property. I tried to contact them but failed. It was all empty and dirty. I'm now redecorating my house to rent it out again. where do i go from here to claim my rent back and also is it possible to add redecorating price on top?

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Are you serious? You went for 8 months without realising you were not being paid rent and you now want to claim it back?

You have more chance of winning tonights £18 million rollover jackpot on a random choice ticket then getting your back rent paid I would suggest.


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Guest jeenamenon

As per my experience I can say that with out refer your agreement it's hard to assume any this so I am suggesting you try to consulate nearest agnacy in this days in market there are many good and expert service provider available .

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some constructive advice, I hope.

If you want your money back you first need to trace the ex-tenants. There are numerous ways to do this on-line nowdays and most cost about £40 per trace. Once you have their new address find out if they have any assets / cash to go after - it is pointless (although quite satisfying) to chase a debtor if they CANNOT pay rather than don't want to pay up.

Then it is a matter of submitting a claim for losses through the County Court (a money claim, not possession claim as you already have the property back). This can be done online at www.mcol.gov.uk It will take the best part of 4 months to get anywhere with the courts, and even if you get judgement in your favour there is no guarantee they will pay up. Best of luck - you will probably need it.

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