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Responsible, respectful, reliable young professional seeks wealthy landlord who is not a cynic


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I am a young professional living in London. I am looking for a new home for January. I am seeking a low price for a one bedroom flat in South East London with an eye on putting down roots in London. I like stability and don't want to be moving around while building my life here so am looking for something fairly long term.

I would prefer a property that is only part-furnished or unfurnished, in South East London but am open to any suggestions.

I am reliable, punctual with rent and bills, clean, organized, respectful of the property I inhabit and also the property and well-being of my neighbors. I believe in community but respect privacy. I am easygoing and independent. I am also capable of handling minor repairs and property issues on my own but always inform and consult the property owner before acting. My parents have instilled in me a triple-check philosophy in regards to security issues and I take this very seriously both with my own property and with the property of others.

In return for reduced rent on your one bedroom flat or annex, you will have all the peace of mind you've ever wished for in a tenant.

*Cynic: "a [person] who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."


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Other peoples quotes are lost on me having done 50 + years in the school of life.

Would I rent to someone on the net calling themselves Zorro and selling theselves as the ideal tenant? Nicht!

Why aren't you using a letting agent this is by far the easiest way to rent in SE London as they are on every High St?


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To add a question that has been in the back of my mind.

Would it make a difference to you, as landlords, to be dealing with a potential tenant who was willing to pay up to a year in advance? Is this something that would act as a reassurance or is that not really the central concern when dealing with a new tenant?

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To add a question that has been in the back of my mind.

Would it make a difference to you, as landlords, to be dealing with a potential tenant who was willing to pay up to a year in advance? Is this something that would act as a reassurance or is that not really the central concern when dealing with a new tenant?

It's a clincher for me but you would still have to go through my Tenant application procedure to assure me you are who you say you are.


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I wouldn't touch anyone who offers 1 years rent in advance as they are sure as hell to be a cannabis farm.

Not necessarily provided all the statuary checks are carried out prior to occupation. Most cannibis farms are discovered far too late because Landlords and LA's have not performed follow up checks on the property and left it too long for inspections.

Nearly all discovered cannabis farms are found in private Landlords properties are those who have not gone through an LA or EA.

Lets be honest 99% of all cannabis farms are run by Far Eastern people and they normally front up a respectable person to do the letting and then the landlord doesn't realise that other people rather than the signed person on the lease have taken over the property.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Zorro,

I would take a years rent up front but only after getting your life history and credit checked you and a guarantor to death (9 cannabis farms in my area in the last 6 months - all run by Chinese nationals (don't take International driving licences as proof of ID as they are easily faked!).

Have you tried a lease purchase option (let to buy)? They are getting more common and as long as you use someone reputable and a good solicitor (never use the vendors recommended ones) they can be a useful tool. Not for everyone, but options throw up some alternatives for both vendors and tenants.

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