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Status of Tenant's new Partner


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Just been informed by Tenant that she recently got married and new partner now living at the property! Congradulations and all that but my basic understanding of tenancy law is simply that a formal agreement with a new tenant must be correct and in place prior to occupancy, otherwise secure tenancy issues can arrise ! Does anyone know how I should react to this news ? Do I need to now give her notice to quit and thus get rid of both of them? Can I create a new joint tenancy albeit dated after the new partner has moved in ? I dont want to end up with a situation whereby a few months down the road they break up, she moves out and he claims "security of tenure" due to occupancy b4 formal agreement ! It would have been very simple if she had let me know b4 the event. Any advice . thanks

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Well, as a courtesy to you she should have informed you of her intentions to get married etc.

Inform them both that a new AST agreement MUST be drawn up and signed by both of them for legal reasons.

If she has been a good tenant and paid her rent and looked after your property then there should be no reason to ask the two of them to leave.


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