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Lovely tenant looking for one-bed flat in Brighton


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I hope this isn't a dreadful misuse of your forum, but I'm becoming ever more creative in my flat-hunt, having now lost six wonderful flats for outrageous reasons, including another potential T ousting me by offering six months' rent in advance at an increased rate while I was in a cab to office to pay holding deposit I'd already agreed with the agent! You couldn't make it up...

I'm looking for a one-bed flat In Brighton, East Sussex, and my must-haves are:

* outside space: even if just a balcony

* bath: I can't cope with winter in a shower room...

* central location: ideally in the area between the two piers and Seven Dials.

I am a wonderful tenant, house-proud, and can get references to show I've never paid rent a day late in my life. I'm self-employed (freelance Pilates teacher and writer) and have been for years, but can show letters proving income from accountant, and have a UK-home-owning guarantor should you like one - I know some LLs can be squeamish about self-employment...

I'm looking for a long-term let – I don't want to move again for a good year or two if not longer – my budget is £650-£750pcm, and I don't have a date I HAVE to move by, but can move tomorrow if you'd like.

Once more, I hope you're not offended by my posting here. A lot of the flats I've lost have been through the LL letting privately before agency viewings, so am hoping to be that next tenant who gets in early!

Thanks for reading, and kindest regards all.

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