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Housing Benefit Tenants

bob tempest

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Hi - HELP! Im new to this site so if Im asking a question frequentlky asked, I'm sorry.

Ive been renting houses out for 3 years now and I know a retired couple who are on housing benefits who want to retire in one of my houses. Ive been told to keep away from this type of tenant but what are the advantages and disadvantages of some one on housing benefits

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Hi Northernboy,

The advantages are simple. If you get a good Housing Benefit claiming tenant then your rent will always be paid on time and you will never have the property empty again. Not all Housing Benefit tenants are bad (although a lot are) and, if you are lucky, then you can generate substantial investment return from a HB tenant.

A bad Housing Benefit claiming tenant can turn out to be the "tenant from hell" - which is why a lot of landlords tend to avoid them with a barge pole! Bad HB tenants damage the property and don't pay the rent. However, I would comment, that if the rent isn't paid and the property is damaged then you would, of course, evict them!

My advice is to "take people as you find them". Meet the elderly HB claiming couple and decide whether you think they are likely to pay you the rent / benefit money. Ask to speak with their previous landlord and, if possible, go and visit them where they are living at the moment.

Just because they claim Housing Benefit does not make them bad people but, like everything in life, it is always good to be cautious.

Good luck,

PS: I rent a lot of my property to DSS tenants and even though I am sometimes let down by them, on the whole, they are not a bad lot!


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Hi Northernboy,

The advantages are simple. If you get a good Housing Benefit claiming tenant then your rent will always be paid on time and you will never have the property empty again. Not all Housing Benefit tenants are bad (although a lot are) and, if you are lucky, then you can generate substantial investment return from a HB tenant.

A bad Housing Benefit claiming tenant can turn out to be the "tenant from hell" - which is why a lot of landlords tend to avoid them with a barge pole! Bad HB tenants damage the property and don't pay the rent. However, I would comment, that if the rent isn't paid and the property is damaged then you would, of course, evict them!

My advice is to "take people as you find them". Meet the elderly HB claiming couple and decide whether you think they are likely to pay you the rent / benefit money. Ask to speak with their previous landlord and, if possible, go and visit them where they are living at the moment.

Just because they claim Housing Benefit does not make them bad people but, like everything in life, it is always good to be cautious.

Good luck,

PS: I rent a lot of my property to DSS tenants and even though I am sometimes let down by them, on the whole, they are not a bad lot!


Many thanks your info.

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