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section21 expired what now


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my tenant was on a periodic tenancy i needed him out so i issued him a section 21 4a 2 months notice which has now expired, (he still hasn't vacated) he does owe some rent but my priority is to get him out rather than claim rent arrears, so ive decided to issue an accelerated possession order, i just wonered if anyone on this site has got any idea how long it would take to gain possession? i know every court vary's ive tried to get some information from the court but they've been unhelpful, im in the east hertfordshire area.

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If you have the section 21 granted by the court - have you? Better check with the court. You should have paperwork from the court to prove this. Ask the court what was the result of your application.

If you have been granted a section 21 then go into the court bailliff office, show them the section 21 and pay about £95 for them to come and evict him. They should be able to tell you what the waiting time is for a court bailliff attendance.


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