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what is it called when?


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Hi, sorry i'm a newbie to this forum, so please bear with me.

Could someone tell me what is the correct name/term for.

When a tenant moves into a rented property with his partner, and then leaves her in the property,mid way through the tenancy the partner is not on the tenancy agreement, and she is what you would call an ex-partner of the tenant. is it legal to allow her to stay in the rented accomodation? Without taking out a new tenancy agreement. this has happened to me, my agent has not requested me to sign an paperwork what so ever.

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Would the person who has moved in with the original tenant who has signed the initial tenancy agreement be asked to sign a joint tenancy agreement? My answer to this is "Yes" they would need to ..to keep things in legal order on the tenancy agreement.

So... No. 1 AST signed tenant moves out leaving the co-habiting and unsigned person on the contract in place?

Do they need to sign a tenancy (AST) contract to remain?

My answer is "Yes" they do to keep things legal in the event of future problems should any arise.


NB...... Charger.... AST Assured Tenancy Contract.

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Cheers Mel,

I was wondering if it was legal, I never received any paperwork from my LA, in respect of this, mind you never reeived any copies of tenancy agreements from the LA,though there is a proper term for it, my mate told me the other day, just can't remember it. I should do, as i spent the last ten years working in social housing.


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As far as the remaining occupant is concerned the term is "DUMPED".

Where people over the age of 18 move into a property ALL should sign as joint and several liability so that if one does leave or do a runner, the others remain liable for the FULL rent.

If the agent is managing the property then it is normal practice for the agent to retain the AST since the majority of landlords do not want to be bothered with the paperwork. Do nyou trust your agent? If not then get a copy of the AST as soon as possble.

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Thanks, yes the partner was well and truly DUMPED.

I did try to find out if the partner was a joint tenant, the LA didn't answer one way or the other, i have also tried to get copies of the agreements with out sucess.

The then LA informed us they they were going to evict the partner through section 21, or is it 28, through the courts, i cant remember the right number, But this never took place either, i have to say, we dismissed the LA, and went to a dfferent LA.

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