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unsigned extension contract


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I had a 24week rental agreement which was signed, then tenant requested to stay on with a 8 month extension and agreed in writing but they did not sign the extension, they then shortened extension to 2 months before cancelling all together at very short notice (8 days). Are they still liable for a cancellation fee which was shown on extension contract, or for forthcoming rent payment? Any suggestions / references, thanks.

also tenant requested a 2nd landline phoneline and handset was installed as condition of extended rental, no charge was intended having agreed to rental but then having cancelled after installation are they liable for any of cost?

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Is this an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) or some other type of agreement ie a business or commercial let? Is it in England or Wales?

If the tenant did not sign the contract I think it may be difficult or not worth the outlay to enforce. Same with the phone (this is what makes me think it is a business let). I'd treat it as an upgrade to the property. Need more information about the agreement itself.


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Its a short term residential uk rental, as it was under 6 months initially I dont think its termed an AST. My gripe is that this was agreed in writing by tenant to be extended 2 months in advance, but at the time of signing and requesting rent they renegaded and left, so there seems to be no answer as to whether 'an extension' of a contract that was originally signed needs to be signed again..Ive heard that some rental agreements are binding without renewed signature (as I have in writing agreement to extend at a specific monthly rent). Hope this helps, also the installation of phone was key to the rental being confirmed...thus expense outlaid (fine if rental continues) but now a waste of money as tenant changed mind as soon as equipment installed.

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The one thing you have learned from this, as indeed I did 15 years ago in similar circumstances, is that if any tenant requires additional equipment installed for their specific use then they pay for it with your approval. It doesn't matter what they say they want it.. they pay for it and never let a tenant blackmail you into saying they "will take the property subject to".........


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An AST can be for any period of time under or over six months so your agreement is an AST. However had you signed an AST for just two months then no court would grant possession until six months had passed. Unfortunately the reverse is not necessarily true for landlords.

You need to refer to the original AST for the terms regarding the extension and the provision of the second landline. Where tenants request items as a condition for taking a LONG let, include a clause that they pay initially and you reimburse after _ _ months or vice versa. I would never recommend agreeing to extra items for a short term let.

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