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Schedule 1 Offender Tenant


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Hi, I have just been informed by another tenant that another tenant in the same house is on the schedule 1 offenders register. Should I have been told when the tenant moved in and can I get confirmation that it is true? Any advice appreciated.

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I have no idea what a shedule 1 offender is but would like to know.

Suggest you call the police (Not 999) and ask for a definition and whether you should have been informed from one of thier support workers.

I think this may be a grey area as once I nearly took on a tenant who had committed a serious crime. His credit checks came back OK but employer would not give a reference and then a neighbour mentioned she had seen him outside property and did I know blah, blah. He was local to the area. I considered myself lucky to find out but on the other hand he may have been and ideal tenant.

Someone has to give these people somewhere to live and they may be reformed.


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Yes Mel I did just that!

For the other readers it is a person who has been convicted of an offence against children under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933.

Apart from the obvious of a sex offence it could also mean a person who hurt a child in a road traffic accident.

I think I would ask for an explanation from the tenant.


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Having read the link, my brain hurts!

There are so many grey areas and unanswered questions. What was the exact offence, how long ago was it. how old was the "offender" etc etc.?

The advice to approach the tenant direct is wise advice. Something along the lines of, "I have been told something about you and a Schedule 1 offence. I do not wish to judge you, but would appreciate knowing this from your viewpoint." I was tempted to say "your version" but that implied that they would not be telling the truth.

You should know this tenant. Are the good payers? Have they been there long? Have other tenants complained about them? Are there any children in the building that may be at risk? On balance you may decide to ignore the allegation. but if you are unhappy just say nothing and issue a S21.

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